

Although Commonly Performed, How To Wash This Car Is Just Wrong

Although Commonly Performed, How To Wash This Car Is Just Wrong

So that the exterior condition of the car always looks rehearsal, the owner is obliged to wash it regularly. This process can be done alone at home, or make use of the many washing services available.

Not only the vehicle itself, the way to wash cars has now also developed. If it used to use human resources in the past, robot services are now available.

As provided by Autoglaze, a provider of detailing and paint protection services. They have three tools for washing cars, with automatic, semi-automatic and touchless technology.

The Chief Executive Officer of Autoglaze, Robby Kurnia, said that automatic and semi-automatic technology is commonly used in public washing places. The latest is touchless or without touch.

"So far, there are five stages of washing cars. First moistened, given soap. Third, when the car is still dirty, take a sponge to wipe with soap. That's what makes the car become beret, "he said in Tangerang, Monday, July 8, 2019.

After wiping with soap, then spray water and dry it. That is, there are five steps. Meanwhile, on a touchless system, the car is directly smeared with special soap from Belgium, which can bind dirt.

"When high pressure (spray water), the dirt has dislodged, just wiped. So, fewer touches occur. It costs 50 thousand, any type of car, "he said.

Autoglaze One Stop Car Service not only provides a washing place, but also detailing services, coatings, to maintenance such as spooring and balancing.

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