News The lure of the coating lasts for years, donID


The lure of the coating lasts for years, don

The lure of the coating lasts for years, don't believe it right away

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - The method of paint protection using coatings is increasingly crowded by car owners. Besides having the effect of taro leaves, coating is also called to make the paint become more glossy and durable. Nowadays it is not uncommon to provide car body polishing services, offering coatings with the lure can hold up to years. But don't be tempted right away, because basically there are many factors that affect the durability of the coating. "Don't immediately believe that someone said coatings can last a year or two. How to measure it is very difficult," Robby Kurnia, CEO of Autoglaze, told Kompas.com, recently.

Robby gave an example, there are two cars that are both coated. The first car is rarely used and more often in the garage, while the second car is a worker's car that is used every day. "Suppose that Ferrari is coated, it only runs once a month, and for example Avanza is coated, used every day. Which car has the coating quickly depleted first? So it depends on usage and many other factors," he said. Robby, said the owner's mistake after the car was coated was to feel the body paint was protected. Even though it has been coated, the owner can not escape the responsibility of caring for the body.

"After coating, there must be a proper treatment, so the soap and medicine used must also be considered. For soap, choose a PH that is neutral or balanced, that is PH 7, not containing detergent and acid," he said. As for Robby, if the coating is really good, actually for mild dirt there is no need to wash using soap, but just rinse using clean water. "Actually, just using water is enough. Because if a good coating does not need to use soap anymore, because it is like taro leaves. Just wash it with water, the important thing is to wipe it completely dry in all parts of the exterior," he said.

Penulis : Gilang Satria
Editor : Agung Kurniawan
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 The lure of the coating lasts for years, don
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